Lumen Science Update

There are some interesting things happening in our Lumen Science classes.

Students in Botany are researching and creating their own aquaponics system. Aquaponics is using fish and water to create a self sustaining system that creates plants that can then be harvested, and eventually fish that can be harvested as well. The fish used in these homemade systems will not be harvested for consumption. Students are researching  aquaponics  and why it may be a potential substitute to traditional agriculture.  These systems will then be presented to the community to be voted on at the end of the semester. It is tentatively planned for Tuesday, January 14. Each student  also creating a 20 piece plant specimen booklet.

In Marine Biology students are collaborating, researching and designing a potential salt water aquarium setup for Lumen. The aquarium is a semester long project.



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